In 2022, research led by the Development Bank of Japan Inc. indicated that Japan is one of the most highly recommended countries in the world to live, work and travel in. There are many local areas to choose from and make your own, as well as countless tourist destinations to explore. Japan is well-admired for its delicious yet affordable cuisine, world-famous shopping districts and clean accommodations. In addition, it’s recognized as one of the safest countries in the world to live in and a top competitor in terms of social security. If you seek to establish a balanced lifestyle in a peaceful community surrounded by nature, I recommend building your home with us in Hokkaido, Japan. In this article, I will reveal to you how to start your life in Hokkaido or build your ideal second home. First, I’ll introduce Section 3 of the (HOW DO YOU BUY A HOUSE IN JAPAN AS A FOREIGNER). This section contains key information that foreigners must understand before purchasing a home in Japan.
Will my house or land purchase be approved, even if I do not have Japanese citizenship?
Yes. Even if you do not have a Japanese passport, you will be approved by the Japanese government to purchase houses or land.
Are foreigners able to take out a mortgage on a housing loan?
Yes. Permanent Residents of Japan are permitted to help foreigners to take out a mortgage under the same conditions as Japanese residents.
Do I need to be a Permanent Resident of Japan to take out a housing loan?
No, you don’t. There are several banks that accept housing loan applications without it.
Getting your housing or property loan application approved in Japan: Every nation has different regulations in regards to owning property. Fortunately, Japan’s laws are fairly relaxed, and your house or land purchase will be easily approved. It does not matter whether you’re a Permanent Resident of Japan, or not. As mentioned, there is no special treatment for those who are Permanent Residents of Japan, regardless of their housing loan. Therefore, you’ll be treated the same as a Japanese citizen by the Japanese bank when you take out a mortgage on a housing loan. Lastly, it’s possible to take out a mortgage without being a Permanent Resident of Japan. There are several Japanese banks that will approve your housing loan application if you meet at least one of the following conditions; having your spouse on the contract, putting down a 20% deposit on the property or proof that you’ve lived in Japan for at least five years. Please note that interest rates may be low initially, but usually go up over time. If you’re unable to obtain Japanese citizenship, you may need to pay additional fees.
一つひとつ順を追って説明したいと思います。まず1番に関しては、そもそも国によって、外国人の不動産所有に対する規制は異なっております。ただ、現在の日本では、日本人と同様に外国人でも家や土地を購入することが認められております。続いて2番についてですが、外国人が「永住権」を取得しているか、していないかが重要となります。まず前述で述べたように、永住権を取得している外国人は、一般的な住宅ローンの場合、永住権以外に特別に設けられている審査基準はありません。したがって、銀行から冷遇されることなく住宅ローンのお借り入れができます。一方で、永住権を持たない外国人の場合、別の条件を満たす必要がございます。(詳しくは3番で)保証会社による保証がつけられない、本国に逃げられる可能性がある、長期に渡る返済などの理由から、金融機関にとって大きなリスクを抱えることになってしまいます。そのため、ほとんどの住宅ローンの融資は行われておりません。 最後に3番ですが、「永住権」を持っておらずとも、住宅ローンを組むことは決して不可能ではございません。日本のいくつかの金融機関では、配偶者が日本人であること、頭金20%を用意できること、入国から5年以上が経過していること、といった条件を満たしていれば、永住権がなくとも住宅ローンの審査を受け付けています。ただし、通常の住宅ローンを借りるよりも金利が高くなる可能性があります。永住権を持っていない場合、そういったデメリットがあることは念頭に置いておいてください。